Rav Twersky on Hishtadlus

The following video was recorded as a message to new Computer Science majors at Yeshiva…

Tuesday Night 5762

This series of shiurim was given on Tuesday nights in Y.U. in 5762. Listen using the player…

Tikkun Hamiddos; Parnassa (Tuesday Night 5761)

This series of shiurim was given on Tuesday nights in Y.U. in 5761. Listen using the player…

Belief & Behavior, the Philosophy of Halacha (Tuesday Night, 5759)

This series of shiurim was given on Tuesday nights in Y.U. in 5759. Listen using the player…

The Inner Life of an Oveid Hashem (5758)

This series of shiurim was initiated by S.O.Y. and given on Tuesday nights in Y.U.…

Chovos Halevavos, 5753-5754

This series includes 9 shiurim on Chovoas Halevavos, and an additional 5 on other topics.…