This series of shiurim was initiated by S.O.Y. and given on Tuesday nights in Y.U. in 5758. It was the first year that Rav Twersky gave a series of nighttime shiurim for the entire yeshiva.
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or see the table below the audio player to read a detailed description of a shiur
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See the table below the player for details about the shiurim in this series.
Track | Title | Description |
1 | Tznius: Awareness of HKB”H, Cherishing Mitzvos | Introduction to this series, including defining what “haskafa” is. Defining tznius – an awareness of HKB”H and cherishing mitzvos,which lead to modesty and going lifnim mishuras hadin |
2 | Simcha: It’s Definition, the Path to Achieving It | Why is simcha so critical to avodas Hashem? What is genuine simcha? How do we achieve simcha? |
3 | Kol Ma’asecha Yihiyu L’shem Shoamyim | The all-encompassing nature of avodas Hashem, regardless of one’s abilities and career track. A look at how to practically go about serving HKB”H 24×7. |
4 | Yiras Hashem & Ahavas Hashem | The order in which one achieves levels of yiras Hashem and ahavas Hashem. Awareness of mortality as a motivator. |
5 | Acquiring Yirah by Avoiding Hesech Ha’da’as | A Look at the central/critical point we must focus on to grow: avoiding hesech ha’da’as, i.e. being aware of HKB”H at all times. |
6 | Hashgacha Pratis, Purim | What is our belief of hashgacha pratis, and what are the practical implications and applications of it? Hashgacha as a leitmotif of Pruim. |
7 | Emunah, Esteeming Mitzvos, Purim. | What is emunah, and what it requires of us in our attitude towards Torah, Chazal, and personal and national events. Emunah and Purim. |
8 | Yaakov Avinu: Shalem G’gufo, B’mamono, B’Toraso | Physical and financial aspects of life as a support system for avodas Hashem. |