This series includes 9 shiurim on Chovoas Halevavos, and an additional 5 on other topics. You can:
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See the table below the player for details about the shiurim in this series.
Track # | Primary Source | Title | Description | Tags |
1 | Shaar Habechina, Perek 1 | Have to Look for Hashem to See Him | Discussion of the need to look for Hashem in order to see Him. The role of freedom of choice (Bechira Chofshis) in our perception of reality. | perception, truth, “freedom of choice”, “Bechira Chofshis”, search |
2 | Shaar Habechina, Perek 1, Pesicha | Doing Mitzvos by Rote Doesn’t Reveal HKBH | The role that being surrounded by Hashem’s presence and kindness from birth plays in our not seeing Him. The manner in which we should go about our observance of mitzvos to come closer to Him. | observance, rote, routine |
3 | Shaar Habechina, Perek 2 | Seeing HKBH in Nature | We are obligated to discern chochmos Hashem in the world. The relationship between Torah and “natural law” | nature, morality |
4 | Shaar Habechina, Perek 3,4,5 | 1) Our Attitude Towards Chochma. 2) Taking Things for Granted | The obligation to study science, and how to approach its study. What is considered worthy of study. Hashgacha pratis. Instinct. | science, wisdom, providence, instinct. |
5 | Shaar Habechina, Perek 4-5 | Seeing HKBH’s Wisdom in our physical, psychological, and spiritual makeup | Man as a microcosm. The Torah’s optimistic view of man. Our instinctive sense of what we need to do address our spiritual needs. | microcosm, optimism |
6 | Shaar Avodas Elokim | Serving out of Obligation & Shelo Lishma is a Starting Point | The context of Shaar Avodas Elokim is someone towards the beginning of his journey of growth in avodas Hashem, which starts out driven by a sense of indebtedness to Hashem and progressively grows. | obligation, yirah, ahava, self-interest |
7 | Shaar Avodas Elokim | A Pleasant Outlook on Life | The right focus as a path to happiness. Our vulnerability serves as a needed reminder of Hashem. | happiness, focus, vulnerable,grateful |
8 | Shaar Avodas Elokim, Perek 2-3 | 1) Seeing Torah as a Burden 2) Yiras haOnesh vs. Yiras Harome’mus | Understanding why one may find Torah to be a burden, and the path to growing beyond that. The infinite growth possible via a maximilis approach to serving Hashem. | burden, rehab, fear, awe, opportunity, obligation |
9 | Shaar Avodas Elokim, Perek 4 | 1) Reward is a Chessed 2) Esteeming Mitzvos 3) Torah is All-Encompassing | Hashem owes us nothing, not even reward. One must have a correct and productive attitude towards mitzvos. Calibrating our entire life to serve Hashem properly. | reward, attitude |
10, Appendix 01 | Toveil v’sheretz byado | Teshuva Means Having More Yiras Shomayim Throughout Our Lives | teshuva, yirah, yiras shomayim, consistency | |
11, Appendix 02 | Teshuva on Yom Kippur. Making ourselves worthy of being lifnei Hashem. Leaving Y”K different than we came in to it. | |||
12, Appendix 03 | Pesachim 2b: “Muvtach ani bozeh” | Internalizing Torah. Lashon Naki. | ||
13, Appendix 04 | No Such Thing as Coincidences | Y”K which falls out on Shabbos – yesod of Ohr Sameach about it being a new kedushas hayom; Theme: there are no coincidences. Everything that happens is bashert, everything in life is an opportunity for Avodas hasem. | ||
14, Appendix 04 | Ta’anis 21a | Rav Yochana & Ilfa (Ta’anis 21a): We See/Hear HKB”H to the Extent that We Are Looking for Him | Rav Yochanan was sensitive/uncomfortable, thus he heard it. Torah doesn’t give us background about Avraham Avinu, but actually it does – he was the one who heard “lech lecha”, leave the artzius/materialism behind. Torah doesn’t overtake you – you have to be looking for it and then you will see it. B’middah she’adam mo’deid, modedin lo. |