Hespedim & Yahrtzeit Shiurim for Rav Yosef Dov Solovetichik zt”l

Below are various hespedim and azkara shiurim given l’chvod Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik zt”l, a.k.a.…

Teshuva. Pirkei Avos. Kedoshim Tihiyu. (Shiur Hashkafa, 5781)

These shiurim are being given on Thursdays in Y.U. in Rav Twersky’s daily shiur. We hope to…

Belief & Behavior, the Philosophy of Halacha (Tuesday Night, 5759)

This series of shiurim was given on Tuesday nights in Y.U. in 5759. Listen using the player…