These shiurim were given on Thursdays in Y.U., to Rav Twersky’s shiur.
Author: torahweb
Our Mesorah (Thursday Nights, 5785)
These shiurim are being given on Thursday nights in Y.U. for the entire yeshiva. We hope to…
Ramban Al haTorah, 5785
ese shiurim were given at 12pm on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in Y.U., to Rav Twersky’s shiur.…
Me’or Enayim, 5784
See the table below the player for details about the shiurim in this series. Track Length Description…
5784 War in Israel
Shiurm / Schmoozes given by Rav Twersky in YU in the aftermath of the Hamas…
Thursday Nights, 5784
These shiurim are being given on Thursday nights in Y.U. for the entire yeshiva. We hope to…
Shiur Hashkafa, 5784
These shiurim were given on Thursdays in Y.U., to Rav Twersky’s shiur. See the table below the…
Ramban Al haTorah, 5783-5784
These shiurim were given at 12pm on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in Y.U., to Rav Twersky’s shiur.…
Kol Dodi Dofek, 5783
These shiurim were given at 12pm on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in Y.U., to Rav Twersky’s shiur.…
Rambam Hakdama l’Peirush Mishnayos, 5783
An in-depth look at the Rambam's Hakdama l'Peirush Mishnayos.