30 Years of Rav Twersky

Recordings of hundreds of Rav Twersky's hashkafa shiurim, starting from 1993.

Hilchos Deos, 5783

A halacha-by-halacha commentary on Rambam, Hilchos Deos. These shiurim were given at 12pm on Monday, Tuesday, and…

Simchas Beis haShoevia 5783: 3 Part shiur on Simcha

Listen using the player below Click the download button  next to a shiur to download that…

Hilchos Teshuva, Elul 5782

These shiurim are being given at 12pm on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in Y.U., to Rav Twersky’s…

Sha’arei Teshuva. (Shiur Hashkafa, Elul 5783)

See the table below the player for details about the shiurim in this series. Track Title Length…

Thursday Nights, 5783

These shiurim are being given on Thursday nights in Y.U. for the entire yeshiva. We hope to…

Tisha B’av Kinnos

See the table below the player for details about the shiurim in this series. Track Title Length…

Alumni Shiur

June 25, 2023. Topic: רמב”ם הלכות תעניות. Sources: גמרא ראש השנה; רמב”ם ספר המדע, ספר…

Hespedim & Yahrtzeit Shiurim for Rav Yosef Dov Solovetichik zt”l

Below are various hespedim and azkara shiurim given l’chvod Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik zt”l, a.k.a.…

Tehillim with Malbim, 5782

These shiurim are being given 3 times a week in Y.U. in Rav Twersky’s shiur. We hope…