Our Mesorah (Thursday Nights, 5785)

These shiurim are being given on Thursday nights in Y.U. for the entire yeshiva. We hope to add each week’s shiur as the year progresses.

  • Listen using the player below
  • Click the “track lyrics” button  or see the table below the audio player to read a detailed description of a shiur
  • Click the download button  next to a shiur to download that shiur
1Introduction: Mesorah21:32
2Legitimate Difference of Opinion Among Gedolim17:43
3The Obligation of Both Hishtadlus and Bitachon28:17
4Voting. Rabbinic Endorsements of Political Candidates. “Dual Loyalties”.21:20
5Kallim & Pratim: A Full Understanding of Torah20:14
6Sinas Chinam, and Ahavas Yisroel, in Different Situations of Disagreement22:42
7A Torah Perspective on the Hostage Deal29:26
8A Torah Perspective on the Hostage Deal, Part 230:27