These shiurim are being given on Thursday nights in Y.U. for the entire yeshiva. We hope to add each week’s shiur as the year progresses.
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See the table below the player for details about the shiurim in this series.
Track | Title | Length (mm:ss) | Description |
1 | Elul: Ahava & Yirah | 24:51 | The presence, opportunity, and balance of ahava & yirah in Elul. |
2 | Teshuva on Middos vs. Maaseh; LIVING Teshuva in Elul. | 26:44 | Aseres yemei Teshuva is a time to DO teshuva. Elul is a time to LIVE teshuva. Teshuva on middos takes time, and must be done in the contex of one’s daily life. The forty days of Elul + asres yemei teshuva gives us a period to LIVE teshuva on middos. |
3 | Elul’s Independent Opportunity | 13:33 | End of any unit of time lends itself to teshuva – end of day, week, month, year. HKB”H created time in units, and the optimal time for teshuva is when one is still in that unit of time. Elul is the optimal time for being mesakein that year, independent of being a prep for Yomim Noraim. |
4 | Malchiyos, Din, and Selflessness | 15:03 | Rosh Hashana’s kedushas hayom is malchiyos, and its also yom hadin. Mashgiach of Staten Island: these are not unrelated – din is an expression of malchiyos. Malchiyos also means that the people embrace him as king, and we are supposed to joyfully & enthusiastically do this on R”H. How do we do that at a time of din? The real avodah of malchiyos is to transcend self-centeredness, and be so joyously focused on being mamlich HKB”H, regardless of its ramifications of din on me individually. |
5 | Lifnei Hashem Titharu | 25:19 | Rabbeinu Yona: “lifnei Hashem titharu” is a distinct mitzva, on Yom Kippur one has to review the year and uncover aveiros he was otherwise unaware of. Lifnei Hashem is mechayev us to be in a state of tahara. Ran in name of Ramban: viduy of erev Yom Kippur is before Yom Kippur so you enter it tahor. Kedushas hayom of Y”K is that it’s a day of kapara, and that’s mechayev in teshuva. Sometimes we’re afraid of Y”K, but that shouldn’t eclipse the recognition & appreciation of the incredible beauty & opportunity of the day – it’s a day we are elevated and live lifnei Hashem, sacred beauty, and tremendous opportunity. |
6 | Parent-Child Relationships | 37:35 | 1) parents brought us into this world. Life is good, we should not feel entitled to it, and should appreciate the gift of life. Obligation of kibud is there without them doing anything at all for us. 1a) when people do something good, we must have hakoras hatov, and we don’t scrutinize their motives. 2)ultimately, the kavod and morah are directed back to Hashem, who does kindness to us thorough them. 3) relationships are supposed to be nuanced. Maintaining family ties, even when there are religious differences, is correct. |
7 | Perspectives on a College Education | 1:08:21 | – 3 different perspectives on the value of secular education (20 minutes) – Answering selected questions on the topic (48 minutes) |