An in-depth look at the Rambam’s Hakdama l’Peirush Mishnayos. These shiurim were given on Thursdays in Y.U., to Rav Twersky’s shiur.
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Track | Title | Length | Description |
1 | Torah Sheb’ksav & B’al Peh | 35:10 | – Hashem taught Moshe the Torah sheb’ksav and then it’s b’al peh peirush. Torah sheb’al peh called “Mitzvah” because it makes the Torah actionable, and “horaah” refers to Torah sheb’al peh as well. – That Torah sheb’al peh can’t be written is a din d’oraysa. That din is that the mesosrah of b’al peh must be passed on / preserved b’al peh. |
2 | What, and How, Moshe Taught | 46:42 | – Details regarding how Moshe taught Bnei Yisroel (4 times, etc.) – Is knowing who taught who just history or is it talmud Torah? – What details Moshe taught vs. what was developed afterwards – re: Peirushim mekubalim from Moshe, safek about what a teruah is. |
3 | Purpose of Creation and Man | 43:20 | Agadata taken literally nonsensical. Everything in the world was created for man. Man’s ultimate purpose is to be “chacham v’tov” – knowledge has to become one with the person. |
4 | Role of the Navi in Mesorah. Sechel. | 40:33 | 1) role of nevua and navi in mesorah of Torah shebal peh 2) sensory evidence vs sechel, sechel should win. Hence should not fall for signs by Navi sheker 3) navi can’t add mitzvah to those of the Torah, but can create something similar to a drabanan |