Miscellaneous Shiurim

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See the table below the player for details about the shiurim in this series.

TrackTitleLength (h:mm:ss)Description
1The Torah’s View on Homosexuality1:26:45Given Summer of 2019, at Shapell’s Darché Noam, Israel
2Gittin daf 36 – V’ohavav (Dor L’Dor – Feb. 20, 2023)33:25– Gittin daf 36 – v’ohavav…Maharsha: Oheiv Hashem and ahuv to Hashem go together
– Deos 2:3 quotes this entire Gemara, since it’s a step-by-step progression. Last Halacha hilchos teshuva – ahavas Hashem requires single-minded focus, ie osin mei’ahava. Semeichin b’yissruin – afilu b’sha’ah she’yotzer lo. Why did Rambam quote the entire Gemara in Deos 2:3? Because every aspect of it is what the ohev Hashem does.
3Hesped for His Mother, Dr. Atara Twersky, Feb. 26 ,2023, in Israel (Hebrew)27:50
4Q&A at RIETS Yom Hakahal, March 12, 202330:59parenting, kibud av v’eim, aveilus
5Relationship Between Free Will and Teshuva (Sept. 13, 2023, in YU Beis Medrash)52:43Achieving the highest form of teshuva, i.e. real change in oneself, happens via exercising the full extent of one’s bechira chofshis, and requires exertion.
6Yohrtzeit Shiur for Rav Yizchok Asher Twersky zt”l (Rebbe’s father)1:03:11
7Ahavas & Yiras Hashem: Yohrtzeit for Dr. Atarah Twersky (Adar 1)1:15:49
8Conceptions and Misconceptions About the Middos of Hashem33:55– Proper understanding of HKB”H’s middos is required both for proper emunah as well as proper behavior.
– We describe HKB”H’s actions, not His essence.
– V’halachta b’derachav touches all aspects of life, and therefore can transform all aspect of our lives.
9Baruch Hagever: Supporting Our Candidates While Reaffirming Our Trust in Hashem16:24Sichas Mussar in the YU Beis Medrash the night of Jan. 21, one day after the presidential inauguration.
10Q&A at Sha’alvim (Feb. 10, 2025)38:23
11Lifnim Mishuras Hadin43:12Sources:
Bava Metzia 24b, with Tosafos s.v. Lifnim
Bava Metzia 30a – 30b
Rambam: Hilchos Gezeila Va’aveida 11:7 and 11:17. Hilchos Rotzeach, 13:4.
12Chochmo V’Chassidus: Siyum & Yahrtzeit Shiur for Rav Twersky’s Mother37:35See below for video and source sheet

Sources for Ahavas & Yiras Hashem: Yohrtzeit for Dr. Atarah Twersky (Adar 1):

Sources for: Conceptions and Misconceptions About the Middos of Hashem: