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See the table below the player for details about the shiurim in this series.
Track | Length | Description |
1 | 19:47 | – HKB”H created the world through Torah, all existence exists due to life force of torah. – Our avodah adds light to this dark, physical world, where it is more impactful than in a bright room. |
2 | 19:54 | Recognizing that the world exists through Torah, and to see it even in tumas Mitzrayim, is to be boreir u’ma’aleh. |
3 | 17:04 | – Chacham looks at the source / inner spiritual core, not the externalities. Focuses on the inherent religious spark. – Via shivisi Hashem l’negdi tamid, one sees what’s really there and recognizes the objective presence of the chiyus that comes from HKB”H. |
4 | 18:16 | Shelo lishma is a misdirection of the relevant middah, but the middah can be redirected properly. |
5 | 14:54 | – Lo lishma a launchpad for hasgos. – Doesn’t outgrow the lower level, rather redirects it. – Impossible to start at the highest level – have to start low and grow. |
6 | 16:40 | – Start low and grow. – Yetzer tov not fully there until bar/bas mitzva. Spiritual endowment given at that point to have da’as, knowing what applies when, etc. – Someone who doesn’t know how to take the low and raise it up just follows his Yetzer hara in each middah. |
7 | 20:26 | – Have to recognize real, high versions of that expressed by the low. – The purely physical is ma’us. Only the connection to HKB”H makes true beauty. |