These shiurim are being given at 12pm on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in Y.U., to Rav Twersky’s shiur. We hope to add each day’s shiur as the year progresses.
During Elul, this series is focusing on Hilchos Teshuva.
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See the table below the player for details about the shiurim in this series.
Track | Title | Length | Description |
1 | Yaaseh teshuva v’yashuv mecheito | 19 | “Yaaseh teshuva v’yashuv mecheito” what are these two things? Cheit often results from one’s center of gravity being hevel v’rik, and Rambam highlights overall orientation / preoccupation with hevel v’rik in multiple places as a problem. “yaaseh teshuva” from this preoccupation, then “v’yashuv mecheito” the specific aveiros. |
2 | Teshuva & Viduy on D’Rabanans | 25:41 | Why doesn’t Rambam mention chiyuv teshuva on a d’rabanan? Derashos haRan – because for every aveira d’rabanan one is guilty of “lo sasur”. Alternatively, Rambam is saying that the chiddush in the passuk is the chiyuv viduy, and maybe on a d’rabanan there is no chiyuv viduy, but of course there is a chiyuv Teshuva on both d’Oraysa and d’rabanan. |